
Sunday, June 15, 2014

Zoya Kieko skittlette

Hello everyone, hope your weekend is going fabulously. We bought a new puppy into our famil so our weekend has been very busy so far. It's amazing how soon you forget how busy puppy's are until you have another one :) 

Here's Finn a 10 wk old Cavalier King Charles Spaniel - he's just adorable.

Right onto nails. I used Zoya Kieko in my index and pinkie. Yes it's a pink and you know I'm not a fan but I don't mind this one.I used another amazing micro glitter in pewter from Hollish Nails on my middle finger. Then I used a white base with a stamp from Princess collection from Moyou plate 14 and China Glaze Awaken as a stamping polish. Very easy to do and I love how it looks, those little flowers are cute!

Enjoy your Sunday, Tx.


  1. Wow, I am so impressed that you managed to knock out such a beautiful mani along with having to deal with a new puppy! Your Finn looks like a sweetie (but, yeah, busy as a buzz saw!).

    hahaha, I am thinking that in the nail polish world, we should eliminate the words/saying "I don't usually like *this* color, but ... ". (or make it into our anthem!) Not only have I said it, but I think every polish-aholic has! I have been amazed over some of the polishes that I thought I would dislike, only to come around to "oooh, pretty!". Bless our polish makers for giving us such a diversity of choice. :)

  2. Wow he's a stunner <3. I just want to cuddle him hehe

    Nice nails :-)


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