
Friday, January 10, 2014

Frozen from Disney nail art - Olaf

I watched Frozen the other day and have to say I'm in love with the movie. I thoroughly enjoyed watching it and would recommend it to anyone. Without giving too much away I have to say I was delighted to see some girl power and that for once Disney didn't use a Prince to solve all the drama. I loved the characters and my favourite was Olaf the snowman. He is cute and funny and just one of those Disney characters you have to love. So I had to attempt a Frozen mani.

Olaf didn't come out quite like I imagined but he's still cute. I started with a base colour of Zoya Seraphina. I then spoged Zoya Blu and Yummy on the top third of the nail and OPI Sparrow me the Drama and Zoya Gei Gei on the bottom third. Then I lightly sponged piCture pOlish White Wedding over every nail. I stamped my thumb, index, ring and pinkie with Essie No Place Like Chrome and bundle monster plate BM 323. I then went over the stamping using Konad white and plate BM-H02. I love the finished look of the stamping.


I love reading people's thoughts so please leave a comment. If you have a blog or facebook page etc please leave the link I love looking at everyone's gorgeous nail work.