
Monday, July 15, 2013

AN Monday - Purple - Zoya Imperial Russia Ruffian

Ugh I'm really not liking winter! Somedays it's impossible to take a photo with natural light and you know I love natural light when it's possible. Also winter has my joints go haywire and what is usually a simple pose becomes an acrobatic feat for my fingers. Out of 40 photos this is the only colour accurate most fingers behaving photo I took, even then my index is a little off. Anyway Zoya Imperial Russia is the most gorgeous purple I have ever seen, I just love it's jewel tones - pure heaven. I wanted to try a ruffian as I've never done one before. It wasn't my brightest idea with my joints playing havoc but I got there in the end with a little cheating. I did it the way it is supposed to be done but couldn't get the crisp lines I wanted so I ended up filling it in with a Barry M nail art pen. These are the best nail art pens I've used and a must for any nail art collection. I just wish they would bring out a gold :)

We've hit Monday again :(, hope your week is fabulous, Tx


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