
Thursday, February 14, 2013

I've been lucky enough to have been nominated twice for the Liebster award, Thank you Marie's Manicure Madhouse and Nailglaze.

The rules of this award
Name and thank the person/blog who gave you this award.
Write 11 things about yourself. If we became fiends through this blog, it's only natural that we should know a few things about each other.
Answer the questions you were asked and come up with 11 new questions.
Nominate 9 fellow bloggers who you admire and who happen to have less than 200 followers.
Notice them about it on their page.

11 things about me:
I married young and have never regretted it.
I love my family fiercely and with everything I have
I'm in love with meaningful quotes and have them all over my house
Becoming a Mother is the best thing that's ever happened to me
I love to read anything and everything.
My favorite colour is green
I'm at University to fulfill my dream to educate on grief
I adore my furry baby dog and he has my wrapped around his little paw
I don't like peas
My favorite song is Sting - Fields of Gold
I'm addicted to my iPad
My favorite food is Mexican

1. I really liked Ana's question and I'd like to pass it on: Make a top 5 out of your favorite nail art blogs.

1 - Lucy's Stash
2- Nailside
3 - Pshiiit
4 - Rin's Nail Files
5 - The Lacquerologist

2. What is your favorite nail polish type (metallic, matte, glitter, ...)? I'm boring and love creams

3. How many bottles of polish do you own? Don't know and don't want to know lol, I have a stash list but have never counted

4. How much did your most expensive nail care product cost? $30

5. What is your favorite kind of movie? Romantic comedy

6. What kind of camera do you use to take photos of your manicures? Canon A130

7. What color was your first polish? As a teen it was Cutex Blue Opal a bluey pink - I loved it!, with my new addiction it was green

8. If you had to choose 3 polishes to use for the rest of your life, which would they be (brand and shade)? China Glaze Re-fresh Mint, Zoya Ziv and Lime Crime Lavendairy

9. What do you prefer? The mountains or the seaside? seaside - I live at the sieaside

10. What are your favorite flowers? Roses

11. How much time you need in average to complete a manicure? too much! It depends what I'm doing anyway from half an hour onwards

My own questions 

1. I really like this question, so I'll use it too: Make a top 5 out of your favorite nail art blogs.
2. What is your favourite nail art technique?
3. What is your favourite nail polish colour family?
4. How often do you buy nail polish?
5. What do you think is the hardest nail art to do?
6. What colour is your oldest polish?
7. What's your favourite holiday theme to do on nails?
8. I like this one too so will keep it; If you had to choose 3 polishes to use for the rest of your life, which would they be (brand and shade)?
9. What's your go to top coat?
10. What is your favourite TV show??
11. Name 5 people alive or dead you would invite to a dinner party?

My nominees are:
1. nuthin' but a nail thing
2. ErinZi's Nails
3. Faithfully Polished
4. Why only for Parties?
5. Kater's Nail Blog
6. A Polished Prance
7. Drama Queen Nails
8. Hello Bee
9. Miss Nail Polish

1 comment:

I love reading people's thoughts so please leave a comment. If you have a blog or facebook page etc please leave the link I love looking at everyone's gorgeous nail work.