
Thursday, January 10, 2013

Heart of Gold

 I'm sure you're sick of hearing it but Lime Crime is awesome! This is the last colour I have to share, there is a yellow but I just don't like yellow. This gorgeous orange is called peaches <3 cream. I striped the middle finger using tape and peaches <3 cream over Milky Ways. The heart is also tape which has been punched with a heart craft puncher using Zoya Ziv.

It was a difficult colour to photograph and the top photo is the closest to the right colour. These Lime Crime polishes just pop on your fingers.

This is the gorgeous necklace my hubby bought me for Christmas. I adore it so had to add it in with the heart of gold :)

I live in a state badly affected by bush fires at the moment. Whilst they are a fair way away from us, we have friends in some of the affected areas, please send rain and cool weather prayers or thoughts to give our firemen a chance to get on top of these fires. 

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